Why do we tolerate sucky blogs? Maybe we've just come to accept suckage as the way things are. Blogs don't have to suck. Boycott sucky blogs! (then maybe they'll either go away or clean up.)

Here are some telltale signs that a blog sucks:

* Autoplay Music: NO! Let ME decide if I want to play the music or not.
* Bloatware: I don't wait for slow loading blogs. Put it on a diet.
* Too much widget clutter: It looks like a teenager's room. Clean it up!
* Content free: All embedded You tube videos and links or (worse) plagiarized articles. Be original or at least take articles that you're authorized to take.
* Hurdles: Popups, peel aways, and splash screens are not cool. Ditch them.
* Poor writing: Learn proper grammar and spelling. 1337speak and/or lolcatese is never appropriate.
* Lacks focus: Growing Kumquats in Denmark should be about growing kumquats in Denmark.
* Hard sell: You are all about selling before you give me a reason for buying. Build credibility and expertise first.
* Pay per post: You were paid for the blog post. Your opinion CANNOT be unbiased if you're being paid to post it. PERIOD.
* Huge Header: Your blog has this huge header that takes up my whole screen. Don't make me scroll; make your header smaller.

These opinions are mine. There may be people somewhere who like being surprised by Kazhakstan traditional polka music at two in the morning or who find themselves tingling with delicious anticipation while the little loading animation goes round and round.