Many people who are either just starting out as internet marketers or who have some internet experience, but are intimidated technically, may feel that they only have one option when it comes to creating their blog, is very popular blogging platform and for good reason. It is simple to use and easy to get up and running. Another very popular and powerful blogging platform, is Wordpress. Wordpress has a view advantages of its' own. Wordpress blogs are very customizable and there are tons of plug-ins available that can be used to help one receive very high search engine rankings. In this article, we will discuss both Blogger and Wordpress and in our attempt to determine which one can help you make the most money.

Blogger: Blogger is owned by Google and has seen some pretty, substantial upgrades in the past few months. There are many new features available, such as RSS feeds, video, newsreels and polls. You can purchase a domain name and have Blogger host it for free. Until now, that was one of the biggest knocks against Blogger. Blogger would host your blog for free, but your domain name would include blogspot. Another negative was that Blogger could delete your blog without warning and without you being able to do anything about it. I'm not sure if having your own domain changes anything, Blogger could probably still delete it because they are hosting it for free.

However, Blogger does have some real positives. It is easy to use. You can set your blog up in mere minutes and have it up and running in no time. Blogger also has a ton of new features that your visitors might get a lot of value from.

Wordress: Initially Wordpress blogs were used mostly by those who were either good technically or who were adventurous enough to give it go. However, now anyone can set up a Wordpress blog very quickly. This is because many hosting companies are Fantastico Enabled, which means that they do most of the heavy lifting for you. With a few clicks you can have a basic Wordpress blog.

To really make your blog powerful, you will need to add some plug-ins. You can find a great list of plug-ins if you do a Google search. After you have found the ones that you want, you simply need to upload them. This is were the beginner may get a bit intimidated. But there is really no need to be. If you can upload a website, you can upload a plug-in.

One of the best things about Wordpress blogs is that since you are required to host it yourself, you own it. That means that you can never be locked out of it, or have it deleted. You can also fully customize it so that it fits your personality and tastes. Wordpress blogs also tend to do very well in the search engines and readers like them, because they look more professional then blogger templates.

Now to answer the question, which blogging platform Blogger or Wordpress can make you more money? The answer is both. If you have great content, monetize your blog correctly and provide value, you will make money. However, to protect your investment of time, thought and money, I would suggest that a Wordpress blog has the potential to make you more money in the end. That is because a Wordpress blog is yours, it can't be deleted, so there is some level of protection. Also, the amount of available plugins for Wordpress is pretty amazing. These plugins allow you to add a great number of features to your blog so that it is unique and ranks well in the search engines. I believe that it comes down to a matter of preference and risk tolerance. If you can bear the thought of a blog which is making you money and that you have invested in heavily, being deleted, or locked at the whim of almighty Blogger, than that might be the platform for you because of its' simplicity. However, if you are willing to invest a little time because you realize the potential of a Wordpress blog, than that might be the platform you choose to work with. Whichever you choose, be sure to be consistent, relevant and available.