If you have been struggling lately to build your RSS Count then keep reading. I am going to talk about another thing that could greatly reduce your chances of online failure. Today I am going to talk about the importance of RSS Subscribers and give a few tips on how to increase your count!

The first thing I would like everyone to know is that in the blogging world if you take a good look around you will probably be aware that the most successful bloggers are those who seem to have massive RSS Subscriber Counts. I won't name any examples but I can see an almost direct correlation between amount of subscribers and success. The main reason that this theory holds true is because RSS Subscribers are pretty much guaranteed returning traffic to your site. If you know that more and more people are visiting your website and wanting more then you know that you are doing something right.

RSS Feed Subscriber Count is a good indicator of were you stand amongst other bloggers. If you look around you are bound to find a numerous bunch with 0-100, a hand full of bloggers with 100-1000 and
a smaller amount with multiple thousands of Subscribers! One of the best things you can do to ensure that your RSS Feed Count keeps growing is to provide your readers with great information and quality content but that alone will not ensure your success. Here are a 5 Great Tips that you could use to boost your count:

* Actively Promote your Feed!

If you haven't already done this... then make a special post on your website dedicated to the promotion of your RSS Feed. RSS Subscribers are a great measure of returning visitors and sometimes people just need to be reminded before they take action. That is why it won't harm you to remind your visitors to sign up for your free email subscription which will tell them every time you update your website! You can do this in a number of ways, but a great way to do it is to thank your readers for visiting your site and urge them to consider signing up for the free feed!

* Make Your Feed Noticeable.

I know that there are a lot of bloggers out there who do sign up to RSS feeds frequently especially when they visit a new website that seems interesting. How are they going to sign up if they don't see the opportunity? Not every person will persistently search each blog at the bottom of the page for a tiny RSS link. Most users will come across your page and would never think about subscribing unless it is right there up in their face. Use one of those nifty icons to display your feed at the top of your page so everyone can see it right away!

* Provide Email Subscriptions.

Give your readers a chance to be emailed whenever your blog or page updates. This is a really convenient tool that can help your RSS count! People who subscribe by email are generally those who know they will be returning often. They like what they have read on your page and they want more! Give them a chance to subscribe. If they don't know that the option is available to them then how are they going to do it?

* Subscriber Count.

I read somewhere else on the internet that this is the mistake that a lot of bloggers make when posting up their RSS Feed. FeedBurner has a cool little widget that can display your Subscriber Count and while it may seem cool and convenient to keep track of your stats, it might not be the best idea to display it until you have a strong readership. Most blogs should wait until they have atleast between 100-200 subscribers before they show their numbers. No one is going to subscribe to a feed if they see that there is only 1 or 2 others reading it. Especially if one of them is the webmaster!

* Offer a Gift.

There is no better way of increasing your RSS Count! If you give people a reason to subscribe to your RSS then the chances that they do are a lot higher if you can offer them something in returning. Either by providing content specifically for RSS Email Subscribers.. or by giving them a chance to download a free Ebook!

All of these things that I just listed can be done in a relatively short amount of time. You really don't need to do it more than once and the benefits are too massive to ignore.