The internet is very competitive when it comes to marketing your product or service. The king of connecting buyers and sellers happens to be Google.

The search engines drive buyers to sellers and helps sellers find buyers. The amount of traffic directed by Google and Yahoo is incredible. The trick is to figure out how to drive some of that traffic your way.

To get the best placement on search engines companies employ what is known as SEO tactics. SEO or search engine optimization works to get your site listed in the first two search engine pages.

Maximizing your rank and placement is what SEO is all about. The higher ranking in the search engines the more prospects that see you.

You need to legitimately work at improving your web page ranking by adding pertinent site content, usability, linking to other pertinent sites and using other tools to increase ranking.

The search engines have started using complex algorithms to keep ahead of the people that abuse the system. The giants such as Google and Yahoo will continue to improve to combat the SEO users that illegal try to obtain favorable rankings.

Entering a keyword will result in a search page that has information relevant to that keyword. The best way to drive traffic is by having your website appear on the organic search. Jupiter Media has calculated that 5 out of 6 purchases through the search engines come from organic versus the online ads.

Obviously this has made SEO very important for businesses to master.

Here are a few tips on improving content for a much more improved result in organic searches:

1. Expertise. When you set up a website make sure you are an expert. People can sense if you have no clue about what you are talking about.

2. Site Design. Have a web page that loads quickly and has an easy to use design.

3. Study the Competition You need to know who is doing what and what works, so check out the competition. Communicate with people in forums and see if you can get feedback about your web design.

4. What keywords are you going to use. When designing the web site include keywords in the metatags, copy page, page title, and file names.

5. Search engines can help you. Work with the search engines to get your site listed and ranked.

6. Keep focused. Each web page should focus on one topic.

7. Directories may be good. Directories have a lot of information stored in them and is done by a person. Joining the right directories may help you with the search engine rankings.

8. The most important aspect is linking. You will have to have links back to your site from other websites. Linking to non relevant sites will not help your ranking long term. Search engines look at how many sites link to you and will base part of their ranking on that relevant information. Do not just link to any sites make sure they are relevant to your subject.

9. Keep doing it. This is an on going process and you must continually work at improving your ranking every day.

Content is king in the search engine world so make sure the information is relevant and looks professional.