So now, after our previous correspondence I know your aware of the influence the Internet has and can start seeing new potential in different areas of your business already.
It is in this time that I must share with you this next freedom tactic, for I can not let you market on the Internet without it.
For those of you that understand the 80 - 20 rule, which is usually the 20% percent it refers to; this means you must build a blog.
The original definition of a blog is an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog, Web log.
This means that you now have a means to speak to your target market directly, to update them as often as you wish and a few more vital reasons we're about to discuss now.
Think of a blog this way, the Internet, search engines are always on look out for fresh new content, reliable of course, and also entertaining.
Blogs keep everyone happy, because the information in a blog is relayed to as "underground", and it usually displays the character and views of the author well. Search engines become enthralled with them and readers can't stop reading them.
This is why you must build a blog, several in fact that the search engines can crawl for valuable content.
Without a blog your credibility is shot on the Internet. You are basically saying to everyone that you are indeed not a leader and have nothing valuable to say.
I know someone brilliant once said, "If it's not in a blog its not worth talking about at all."
A blog is also used as a means of communication. There are times when you'd like to email a group a particular message or an update.
Instead of sending an email that will reach most people's bulk mail filters, you can write a blog and then direct traffic to it instead.
This way you are providing content and are using the tools of the Internet to market.
Throughout this article, I have provided you with examples of blogs so that you may study several and start your own immediately.
Blogs are used primarily to funnel traffic to other marketing ventures. Allow me to explain. Lets say you write a blog that includes your favorite poems, a few you've written and other cool stuff. By adding the links of products you endorse, such as a how to write poems eBook, I guarantee if your directing traffic you will make money.
The key in having a blog, just like anything else is in the content you provide. The more targeted, valuable information you provide the more you become an asset. People will not buy from you or take your blog serious if you are trying to sell them in any way. Your goal in having the blog is to share unsolicited, unbiased facts. The more you get this point across the more you'll benefit from having a blog.
Here are some great ideas of blogs that have always been effective and still continue to be.
1.) How to - A "how to" blog is simply enough the easiest blog you can write. Just think of a skill you have and then give a step by step tutorial that will allow everyone to know what you know.
Example: for complete resources in this article please view
2.) Top 10 - The most clicked upon, and highly searched blogs are top ten lists of some sort. They attract readers because it gives them the exact information their looking for, no barriers and its straight to the point.
Example: for complete resources in this article please view
Again it should not be your intention to try to sell anything in your blog. You want people to be able to come and gather info
A blog also serves as your own "identification card" to the search engines. By uploading your information to your blog first you let them know that the content is indeed original and yours.
Lets go over the main points of this email so you understand exactly why Blogging is here and here to stay it shall, so get familiar with it.
- Free way to communicate with others, and much more reliable than email
- Great content means fresh content for the search engines
- Boosts credibility and gives people the opportunity to get to know you
- Dedicated readers will subscribe to your rss feeds (This is a whole other subject in itself and will be fully detailed in The MLM Freedom Tactic Course)
- Excellent opportunity to passively suggest a product to others
There are many other reasons blogs are such a helpful commodity to those who use it but honestly you'll begin to see them for yourself when you start writing your own.
With that said, start taking action and get ready because Tactic 3 "How Much of Your Happiness Is Caused by Your Thoughts?" is on its way, and this is definitely the secret information you'll need to get to the next level.
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