Thinking of making money online? Ever thought how easy it can be? Yes, it is possible to make money online, easily.
Today I want to share with you one way that you can make money easily. Before we start, let's clarify a few things.
1) You wouldn't be making $10,000 in just one month. But as a good start, you can make at least $500 for your first month
2) You will not need to spend any money. If you want, it's just a domain name and web hosting which can be accquired for less than $20
OK, want to know what it is? Simple, make money with blogs. I will show you 2 companies that will pay your cold hard cash just by blogging!
First, you must have a blog. You can get it for free from, or you can buy a domain name and setup a WordPress blog under your web hosting account. But, for a starter, we will go for If you already have a blog, that's great. If you have a blog that you haven't been touching for ages, start blogging now.
Once you have a blog, sign up for these 2 companies: and
What they provide is that there are 2 groups of users: Advertisers and bloggers (which is you).
You will submit your blog to the 2 companies for review. Once they approve your blog, your blog will be available for advertisers to review your blog.
If they like your blog, they will request you to make a blogpost in your blog, and you have to link to their website.
You will get paid for at least $5 to as much as $200 per post! If your blog have been established for a long-time with good posts, you can command a price of $200. Of course, as a starter, settle with $5 per post first. As you spend more time blogging, your blog will become more 'valuable' and you will be able to command a better price in a few months.
On average, you can get 1-2 requests per day to post to your blog. Even if you make one blog post per day at $5 each, that is $150 in a month for a few minutes job! You make even more money if you have more than one blog.
I recommend that you submit at least 2 blogs to each of the companies so that you get more exposure and more chances of getting selected to post. Also, as a recommendation, have a blog that is general topic in nature so that you can get much more exposure.
Have a specialized blog of your topic too. If you are interested in dogs, have a blog on dogs and you will attract advertisers who are promoting dogs related products and you can command a slightly higher premiums for your posts.
OK, now you have an idea, go and start a blog today!
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