Google AdSense Tips

Posted by kiran | 8:01 AM

Google AdSense program is a popular web advertising program which provides a good income source for many websites. There are well defined terms of service to strictly adhere to when participating in the program.

On my visit through sites and forums, I daily notice several instances of misuse of AdSense ads. So here a few helpful Google AdSense tips, probably many you already know, and few you might gain by knowing now. These AdSense faq are all picked from the Program Policies, Terms and Conditions and FAQ itself and presented in a simplified manner.

1. Never click your own AdSense ads or get them clicked for whatever reason. You know this one very well. This is a surefire way to close you AdSense account. Never tell your office associates or friends to click on them. Keep a check if your family or children are busy increasing your income by clicking your ads and indirectly trying to stop your income. Don't even think of offering incentives for clicks, using automated clicking tools, or other deceptive software. AdSense is very smart to detect fraudulent clicks. Check the ads which appear on your pages by the Google Preview tool if required.

2. Never change the AdSense code. There are enough means of AdSense optimization & customizations available to change the colour, background or border to suit your needs. Do whatever you want to do outside the code, never fiddle within the ad or the search code. They know it when you do. The search code has more limitations to colour and placement, but you should adhere to the rules. The code may stop working and violates the TOS.

3. Do not place more than 3 ad units and 3 ad links or 2 AdSense search boxes on any web page. Anyway, ads will not appear in those units even if you place more ad units. But this is the limit they set, so it is better to stick to it.

4. Do not run competitive contextual text ad or search services on the same site which offer Google AdSense competition in their field. Never try to create link structures resembling the AdSense ads. Never use other competitive search tools on the same pages which have AdSense powered Google search. They do allow affiliate or limited-text links. Update: Google has allowed you to run contextual advertising like Yahoo ads, Chitika etc provided the ads do not resemble AdSense ads.

5. Do not disclose confidential information about your account like the CTR, CPM and income derived via individual ad units or any other confidential information they may reveal to you. However, you may reveal the total money you make as per recent updates to the TOS.

6. Label headings as "sponsored links" or "advertisements" only. Other labels are not allowed. I have seen many sites label ads with other titles. Dont make your site a target in a few seconds gaze.

7. Never launch a New Page for clicked ads by default. AdSense ads should open on the same page. You may be using a base target tag to open all links in a new window or frame by default. Correct it now as they do not want new pages opening from clicked ads.

8. One Account suffices for multiple websites. You do not need to create 5 accounts for 5 different websites. One account will do. If you live in the fears that if one account is closed down for violation of TOS, believe me they will close all accounts when they find out. You can keep track of clicks by using channels with real time statistics. They will automatically detect the new site and display relevant ads.

9. Place ads only on Content Pages. Advertisers pay only for content based ads. Content drives relevant ads. Although you might manage some clicks from error, login, registration, "thank you" or welcome pages, parking pages or pop ups, it will get you out of the program.

10. Do not mask ad elements. Alteration of colours and border is a facility to blend or contrast ads as per your site requirements. I have seen many sites where the url part is of the same colour as the background. While blending the ad with your site is a good idea, hiding relevant components of the ads is not allowed. Also do not block the visibility of ads by overlapping images, pop ups, tables etc.

11. Do not send your ads by email. Html formatted emails look good and allow placement of these javascript ads. But it is not allowed as per TOS. You do not want impressions registering on their logs from any email even once. They are watching!

12. Keep track of your content. So AdSense is not allowed on several non content pages. But it is also not allowed on several content pages too. Do not add it on web pages with MP3, Video, News Groups, and Image Results. Also exclude any pornographic, hate-related, violent, or illegal content.

13. Do not alter the results after ad clicks or searches - Ensure you are not in any way altering the site which the user reaches to after clicking the ads. Do not frame, minimize, remove, redirect or otherwise inhibit the full and complete display of any Advertiser Page or Search Results Page after the user clicks on any Ad or Search results.

14. Avoid excessive advertising and keyword stuffing - Although the definition of 'excessive' is a gray area and is subject to discretion, yet Google AdSense with correct placement, focused content and high traffic will get you much more income than other programs, so excessive advertising is not required. Keyword stuffing does target better focused ads, but overdoing it is not required.

15. Ensure you Language is Supported - AdSense supports "Chinese (simplified), Japanese, Danish, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, English, Polish, Finnish, Portuguese, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Swedish, Italian and Turkish. In addition, AdSense for search is available in Czech, Slovak, and Traditional Chinese. If your web pages language is not supported, do not use the code on such pages.

16. Maximum 2 referral button per product per page - With the launch of the Google AdSense referral program, you are allowed to put only 2 referral buttons for AdSense referral, AdWords referral, Google pack and Firefox with Google toolbar referral.

17. Do not specify Google ads as your alternate ads. - Several services like Chitika eminimalls allow you to place alternate urls, when a targeted paying ad cannot be displayed. This involved creating an simple html page and putting the ad to be displayed instead. Even AdSense allows an alternate url feature instead of displaying public service ads. But never use AdSense ads as alternate urls.

18. Do not confuse with adjacent images - It was a common policy to increase CTR by placing same number of images as the number of text ads, which falsely gave the impression that the text ads represented an explanation to these images. Inserting a small space or a line between the images and ads is not allowed. Make sure that the ads and images are not arranged in a way that could easily mislead or confuse your visitors.

When you start blogging you might find that it is difficult to start it and maintain it. Many people find this because it does take up a fair amount of time and there are tons, almost too many, different models and methods you can use to have a successful blog. Blogging guides also exist where people will give you advice and details about blogging - how to start, what to do, where to find the best money making possibilities etc. Well after searching the internet and looking at tons of ways to make blogging profitable, there are in fact many good ebooks around for you to start off your blogging venture.

Here are 3 sure-fire success tips excellent blogging guides will tell you.

1. Hand holding - With many other blogging guides, you will find that there is a lot of hyped up information and details that are a bit too complicated for newbie's to handle. Well, there is some blogging guides which will hand hold you for every step you take. The ebook author, having discovered all the ins and outs of blogging and how to actually make a living from it, will share with you the dos and don'ts of blogging.

It is not just a hobby, as he will put it, but you must actually be passionate and committed to your blogging. You will need to post topics every few days and keep working to promote the site and encourage traffic through various forms that he describes.

2. Screen shots - What is so great about a good blogging guide is that everything is given to you exactly and there must be screen shots included so that you don't get stuck at any point when you are going through the setting up of your blog and joining various websites. Tips and advice must be offered by the expert blogger and they include everything you need to know from setting everything up easily without making the same mistakes to making your first dollar.

In the guide, you should be given step by step instructions when you want to start making more money from your blog and when you want to drive more and more traffic to it. If the book promises that you, if you follow all the steps, will make about $2000 - $3000 every month, he will show you how in his guide. He will show how he does it with his blog which should be about a subject that he is interested in and everyone can do the same.

3. Starting off right - I feel a good blogging guide author should emphasize the key point are that you must choose to start a blog about something you are interested in and not just because you want to make money from it. You will need to target a market and make it very interesting and useful for people. If you enjoy what you are writing about and use the techniques and methods that he gives, you can easily do what he has done, and start earning big bucks from something that starts out as a fun sideline.

If you are interested in writing and want to just put your ideas down for everyone to read you can actually make money from them and turn it into a good business for yourself. Just use these excellent blogging guides that are given to you, and you will be successful in no time.

Reading a few forums and blogs about Google AdSense tips lately, and thought it would be helpful to consolidate as many as possible in one place without the comments. I've also thrown in a few tips of my own. We start out with some of the basic general stuff and move to the more specific topics later on.When you're deciding to become a website publisher you will fall into one of two broad categories:

· Publish 100 websites that each earn $1 a day profit
· Publish 1 website that earns $100 a day profit

The reality of it is, most people end up somewhere in between. Having 100 websites leaves you with maintenance, management and content issues. Having one website leaves you open to all sort of fluctuations (search engines algorithm's, market trends, etc). You can adapt your plan on the way, but you'll have an easier time if you start out going in the direction of where you want to end up.

General or Niche

You can build your website around general topics or niche ones. Generally speaking niche websites work better with AdSense. First off the ad targeting is much better. Secondly as you have a narrow focus your writing naturally becomes more expert in nature. Hopefully this makes you more authority in your field.

If this is your first try at building an AdSense website, make it about something you enjoy. It will make the process much easier and less painful to accomplish. You should however make sure that your topic has enough of an ad inventory and the payout is at a level you are comfortable with. You may love medieval folk dancing, but the pool of advertisers for that subject is very small (in fact it's currently zero).

Once you've gotten the hang of how AdSense works on a website, you are going to want to dabble in some high paying keywords, you may even be tempted to buy a high paying keyword list. This does come with some dangers. First off the level of fraud is much higher on the big money terms. Secondly there is a distortion of the supply and demand relationship for these terms. Everyone wants ads on their website that make $35 or more a click, however the number of advertisers who are willing to pay that much is pretty limited. Additionally the competition for that traffic is going to be stiff. So, don't try to run with the big dogs if you can't keep up. If you have to ask if you're a big dog, then chances are, you're not.

When you're building a new site don't put AdSense on it until it's finished. In fact I'd go even farther and say don't put AdSense on it until you have built inbound links and started getting traffic. If you put up a website with "lorem ipsum" dummy or placeholder text, your AdSense ads will almost certainly be off topic. This is often true for new files on existing websites, especially if the topic is new or different. It may take days or weeks for Google's media bot to come back to your page and get the ads properly targeted. TIP: If you start getting lots of traffic from a variety of IP's you will speed this process up dramatically.I like to build my sites using include files. I put the header, footer and navigation in common files. It makes it much easier to maintain and manage. I also like to put my AdSense code in include files. If I want/need to change my AdSense code, it's only one file I have to work with. TIP: I also use programming to turn the AdSense on or off. I can change one global variable to true or false and my AdSense ads will appear or disappear.

Managing URL's and channels

AdSense channels are one area where it's really easy to go overboard with stats. You can set up URL channels to compare how one website is doing to another. You can also set up sub channels for each URL. If you wanted to you do something channels like this:

· - 728 banner
· - 336 block
· - text link
· - 728 banner
· - image banner
· - 336 block
· - 300 block

While this is great for testing and knowing who clicks where and why, it makes your reporting a little wonky. Your total number will always be correct but when you look at your reports with a channel break down things will get displayed multiple times and not add up to correct total. Makes things pretty confusing, so decide if you really want that level of reporting detail?TIP: At the very least you want to know what URL is generating the income so be sure to enter distinct URL channels.

In addition to the general rules published by Google, you should be aware of the common sense approach to any advertising medium. In order to make money with AdSense , for example, you need to comply with the Google directive that mandates that you create web sites that sell products, not just web sites that sell Google ads. In other words, with Google, content is king. However, unless you have a website that is designed for shock value, red type fonts on a black background is going to be difficult to read. Set your general layout and appearance to blend with the theme of your web pages.

Do follow the Rules

As with any action, in order to make money with AdSense sense, you need to understand and follow the rules that have been published about using AdSense . Do take the time to read and fully comprehend what you are doing rather than wasting your time and efforts developing a web site with associated AdSense ads that is clearly in violation of the rules. Saying 'Click here to increase my AdSense revenue' is a definite no-no according to the Google rules. It is also a guaranteed way to turn off potential customers.

Do Concentrate on Content

Those publishers who make money with AdSense are the ones who take care to provide web pages that are rich in content. They make certain that the content includes keywords and synonyms for the keywords that fit the subject and that are used in the proper manner to convey information. If your web pages are those on a subject that you know a great deal about, you can compose the content yourself. If you aren't too certain about format, ask for professional help in optimizing the content.

Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

Some people who set out to make money with AdSense have been led to believe that you can set up one web site, place a few ads and within a matter of minutes, be earning income that will allow you to quit your day job and retire to Costa Rica. The reality is usually far different. However, don't make the mistake of thinking if one web site is good, fifty would be better. Especially when you are learning the ropes, don't try to do too much at once. You will end up doing a less than satisfactory job on everything.

Don't Reinvent the Wheel

Many good tutorials have been written about how to make money with AdSense. When you are just learning the ropes, take the time to understand why you are doing what you are doing. After you have mastered the basics, then you can tweak things to your heart's content. You can certainly find new and different ways of doing almost anything, that's what the spirit of innovation is all about, but you will probably get off to a better start if you take time to do things the standard way at least to begin with. As long as you continue to study and learn new methods, your revenue will continue to keep pace.

Google AdSense is one of the most talked about money making programs on the internet. Everyone knows the profits that are possible with this simple to use advertising program and most website owners understand that the greatest profits come from specific keywords with relatively popular, resulting in a higher payout. Yet, time and time again, these webmasters know the right keywords, they use them throughout their website, but they do not see the clicks nor the revenue they expected.

What is it that they are missing?
Publishing web pages with the right high paying keywords is only part of a successful AdSense program. The most important factor is bringing traffic to those pages and this is typically where people go wrong.

Your website must be easy to navigate and should direct your guests to these keyword pages. Analyze the paths your visitors normally take when they access your site. First, look at the pages that are landed on most often and look at where your guests usually go from there. Links and navigation bars that appear on your website allow visitors to move around through your website. The easier this navigation is, the better your earning potential with AdSense.

Most websites have links to the other pages within the site on each page. The key to drawing your visitors to these other pages is the wording used on the links. You want to create links that spark interest with your readers. Wording that includes free or download are often great attention getters.

Websites that have high traffic volumes but are not generating much of a profit can usually attribute this to poor site navigation. Create appealing link wordage to draw your visitors away from the pages with low earning potential to the pages with high paying keywords and profit capabilities. With the right navigation techniques, your high traffic, low earning website can turn into a genuine money maker.

The easiest way to analyze your own AdSense campaign is to perform a test within your website. You will need to first publish a few web pages with high earning potential. You will also want a page with lower profit capacity to compare your results. For the quickest results, you can begin with pages that already have a large amount of traffic.

Your next task is to create attention grabbing links to the high profit pages you want to direct your traffic to visit. Think of a unique way to label the page link that will generate interest in reading more. Creative and intriguing word usage in your links is one way to draw more traffic to your pages with large profit capabilities.

Images and graphic links are great ways to attract attention to your high paying web pages as well. In the quest to create a successful, money making website, there are no limits to the tactics you use to generate traffic and direct people to your site as long as you follow the guidelines Google has in place regarding the use of AdSense. Creativity and imagination are the keys to your success.

The location of your unique and descriptive page link is equally important. You want to place your link in a place that is highly visible, but also in a location that doesn't mar the appearance of your site.

Study the layout and link styles used in other websites to get ideas of your own and for ideas on things that may work for you. Many webmasters use words like "Hot Links" or "Must Read" to draw attention to their high earning pages, but these phrases are overused and becoming worn out. Try to avoid using strategies that you see on a lot of websites. Instead, use these ideas to create something unique and fresh.

The best way to conduct worthwhile testing on the methods that will result in the most earnings for your website is to try many different strategies. Test various words and phrases for your links and try placing the navigation links in different locations on your site, including the top, bottom, and sides. By studying the effects of several different link styles, you will easily find the most profitable methods to use. You will soon be on your way to maximized profits with AdSense.

An Alexa ranking rates the traffic your Blog receives against the traffic of other Blogs. Because of alexa's popularity with webmasters and advertisers, having a low Alexa ranking can increase the amounts of links as well as the amount of offers you may receive for having companies advertise on your site. Basically, the lower your rank number, the more traffic you are receiving.

Here are a few tips on how to increase your own Alexa rank :

Provide Quality Content

There are plenty of simple ways to get quick visitors on a daily basis to increase your rank. But if you want to build a solid base of regular visitors to your site, nothing helps more than providing quality content that people can trust and rely on. If people like what they see on your Blog, they'll keep coming back.

Post Links Wherever You Can

Go to blogs and forums related to your Blog and leave comments with your URL attached. Have you URL as part of your signature at the end of every email. Ask friends to review your site. All of this exposure not only gets you the immediate hits to your Blog the first time someone clicks your link, but it can potentially bring back new repeat visitors.

Set Your Blog as a Homepage to as Many Computers as Possible

Make deals with internet cafes to make your Blog their computers' home pages. If you run a business, make all of the computers have your Blog as a homepage. This gets you automatic traffic every time someone goes online.

Work with what's Popular

Research what content from your Blog is most well-received. The best material will attract the most visitors and entice potential repeat visitors. Also cater to webmasters, as they are most likely to post links for your site. Provide webmaster-related content and tools to attract visitors who can help boost your ranking and increase traffic.

Once a Blog owner puts up a site or blog, they will think of ways to increase web site traffic to their Blog, store, blog or lens.

There are tons of ways to increase your web site traffic.

Numerous articles have already been written, various techniques tested and weird suggestions put across on how to build a Blog, optimize it for the search engines and attract thousands of visitors.

I am not going to expound, come up with an earth breaking formula or show you how to beat the search engines at their very own game.

What I am going to do. No! Share with you is a list of 10 free ways that you can learn to practically incorporate and can help you to draw and increase your web site traffic.

My way is do-able, takes time and is social.

But here is the good part:

It will not cost you a dime! Yes it is totally free.

It is genuine. No tricks or goofy tricks to learn.

It is social. If you do it right! You gain trust, credibility and friends.

Aright, so much for the introduction! Get ready and here we go.

10 Free ways to increase Blog traffic.

Become a Digger.

According to digg's own words and I qoute:

Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by our users.

Remember to digg only your best works, then invite your friends, colleagues or web visitors to digg it too. And do the same, digg other great stuff you find useful.

The more people digg your work the higher it rises in popularity and the more visitors you get.

Start a profile at Facebook, Flickr, MySpace, LinkedIn, YouTube...

Open an account in any of these places the more the better. You can put a link here and there but please you will fail miserably if you start pitching sales letter in front of these sociable crowds.

Join in and get connected and be connected. The guiding principle is -- People buy from people they know and trust. That should be your work -- building friendship, trust and credibility.

Start a blog.

Self explanatory. Start a blog. Here is a hint, type the term "how to start a blog" on any of your favorite search engines, then work from there.

Register with Technorati, FeedBurner.

Register with Technorati and Feedburner. These are Great places with excellent tools to help you promote your work to the rest of the world. Why work harder when other are willing and ready to do that for you?

Squidoo lens.

You are missing really big!...very big! If you are yet to start your own lens. There is no need to waste more time here, rush to your web browsers and type

I wish you new how much power or how terribly you are loosing without Squidoo.

Issue a press release.

Please do me a favor -- open another window, have you? Then go to google search box and type in with the quotes "press release". Good, thank you for following my instructions.

Now depending on your knowledge level, read whichever interest you -- how to write a press release, press release example, prweb, submit press release and much more.


Right now I am writing an article on "how to increase Your Blog traffic" The reason I'm writing this article is because:

First, I hope it is going to help you learn a thing or two on how to increase your Blog traffic.

Secondly, I'm doing these to gain your trust, to rank higher with the search engines and to promote my work.

Lastly, this is a great way that I now find naturally pleasing to do, it is increasingly becoming more of a value connection thing that I am starting to love.

Before you write your article, ask yourself why and for what purpose -- a natural way to accomplish that which you set your self to do, for our purpose here -- increase Blog traffic.

Start another site, blog or lens.

Persistent is the key to success. What is more important is to stick with your goals and objectives but train yourself to test different ways to accomplish that.

Do not form the habit of doing the same thing over and over again. It might become annoying. Start another site, blog or lens and test and experiment with another strategy. You might succeed where others are failing.

Google Analytics.

Great! Good stuff. Take a moment to make use of google analytics. Use it to understand what is working 1-8 above or what is not working. Take care though not to become too number crumby.

Out of Box.

Put to work what I have said here. Do not take it to be the bible. Do not do things because others are already doing it. Never be scared to be bold enough to do what every one else is not doing.

Trust me there are ways you can increase web site traffic by doing something out of the box...and if you really succeed we will all follow sui