Google AdSense is one of the most talked about money making programs on the internet. Everyone knows the profits that are possible with this simple to use advertising program and most website owners understand that the greatest profits come from specific keywords with relatively popular, resulting in a higher payout. Yet, time and time again, these webmasters know the right keywords, they use them throughout their website, but they do not see the clicks nor the revenue they expected.

What is it that they are missing?
Publishing web pages with the right high paying keywords is only part of a successful AdSense program. The most important factor is bringing traffic to those pages and this is typically where people go wrong.

Your website must be easy to navigate and should direct your guests to these keyword pages. Analyze the paths your visitors normally take when they access your site. First, look at the pages that are landed on most often and look at where your guests usually go from there. Links and navigation bars that appear on your website allow visitors to move around through your website. The easier this navigation is, the better your earning potential with AdSense.

Most websites have links to the other pages within the site on each page. The key to drawing your visitors to these other pages is the wording used on the links. You want to create links that spark interest with your readers. Wording that includes free or download are often great attention getters.

Websites that have high traffic volumes but are not generating much of a profit can usually attribute this to poor site navigation. Create appealing link wordage to draw your visitors away from the pages with low earning potential to the pages with high paying keywords and profit capabilities. With the right navigation techniques, your high traffic, low earning website can turn into a genuine money maker.

The easiest way to analyze your own AdSense campaign is to perform a test within your website. You will need to first publish a few web pages with high earning potential. You will also want a page with lower profit capacity to compare your results. For the quickest results, you can begin with pages that already have a large amount of traffic.

Your next task is to create attention grabbing links to the high profit pages you want to direct your traffic to visit. Think of a unique way to label the page link that will generate interest in reading more. Creative and intriguing word usage in your links is one way to draw more traffic to your pages with large profit capabilities.

Images and graphic links are great ways to attract attention to your high paying web pages as well. In the quest to create a successful, money making website, there are no limits to the tactics you use to generate traffic and direct people to your site as long as you follow the guidelines Google has in place regarding the use of AdSense. Creativity and imagination are the keys to your success.

The location of your unique and descriptive page link is equally important. You want to place your link in a place that is highly visible, but also in a location that doesn't mar the appearance of your site.

Study the layout and link styles used in other websites to get ideas of your own and for ideas on things that may work for you. Many webmasters use words like "Hot Links" or "Must Read" to draw attention to their high earning pages, but these phrases are overused and becoming worn out. Try to avoid using strategies that you see on a lot of websites. Instead, use these ideas to create something unique and fresh.

The best way to conduct worthwhile testing on the methods that will result in the most earnings for your website is to try many different strategies. Test various words and phrases for your links and try placing the navigation links in different locations on your site, including the top, bottom, and sides. By studying the effects of several different link styles, you will easily find the most profitable methods to use. You will soon be on your way to maximized profits with AdSense.