An Alexa ranking rates the traffic your Blog receives against the traffic of other Blogs. Because of alexa's popularity with webmasters and advertisers, having a low Alexa ranking can increase the amounts of links as well as the amount of offers you may receive for having companies advertise on your site. Basically, the lower your rank number, the more traffic you are receiving.

Here are a few tips on how to increase your own Alexa rank :

Provide Quality Content

There are plenty of simple ways to get quick visitors on a daily basis to increase your rank. But if you want to build a solid base of regular visitors to your site, nothing helps more than providing quality content that people can trust and rely on. If people like what they see on your Blog, they'll keep coming back.

Post Links Wherever You Can

Go to blogs and forums related to your Blog and leave comments with your URL attached. Have you URL as part of your signature at the end of every email. Ask friends to review your site. All of this exposure not only gets you the immediate hits to your Blog the first time someone clicks your link, but it can potentially bring back new repeat visitors.

Set Your Blog as a Homepage to as Many Computers as Possible

Make deals with internet cafes to make your Blog their computers' home pages. If you run a business, make all of the computers have your Blog as a homepage. This gets you automatic traffic every time someone goes online.

Work with what's Popular

Research what content from your Blog is most well-received. The best material will attract the most visitors and entice potential repeat visitors. Also cater to webmasters, as they are most likely to post links for your site. Provide webmaster-related content and tools to attract visitors who can help boost your ranking and increase traffic.